The Effect of Age and Sex Distribution on BPA & Environmental Oestrogen Levels in an African Population

Abstract Endocrine disruptors such as BPA and environmental oestrogen have been associated with portable water sources in an African population. The study investigated the effect of age and sex on the oestrogen-like substances. One hundred and thirty six (136) subjects aged 40 years and above were recruited for the study which comprised of fifty eight (58) males and seventy eight (78) females who were grouped into three (3) different age groups (40-49, 50-59 and ≥60) years. All subjects were assayed for BPA and environmental oestrogen using ELISA Kit by Wkea Med Supplies Corp, China. The results obtained were expressed as mean±S.D and mean difference statistically determined. The results obtained showed that BPA levels was not statistically different among the age groups studied which may be due to uniform pattern of exposure as was deduced from the questionnaires administered but environmental oestrogen was found to be significantly higher in younger age group when compared to the older group which may be attributed to life style and urbanization. From the study also, BPA was found to be significantly higher in males than in females. This could be attributed to the gender difference in clearance probably due to reduced UGT activities in males. Male subjects may be more prone to BPA bioaccumulation which may be attributed to occupational exposure and reduced clearance rate.

Keywords Age, Sex, BPA, Environmental oestrogen, Africa, and Population.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 10:01 am