The Benefit of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology in Medicine and Nutrition

Abstract Currently nanomedicine and nanotechnology have been widely used in the community. However, some people still do not understand what the meaning of nanomedicine and nanotechnology is currently increasingly widespread use in the field of cosmetics and even drugs, as well as food and beverages. Lack of public understanding is due to the low level of publication about the benefits of nanomedicine and nanotechnology in the public media in the community. Many ordinary people have not understood the importance and usefulness of nanomedicine and nanotechnology itself for the medical world and what is the difference with cosmetics and drugs without nano formulations and even foods / beverages that do not use nano technology in food processing. Even medical personnel and nutritionists as well as many other health workers have not understood the meaning and benefits of nanomedicine and nanotechnology for medicine and nutrition. It is therefore the purpose of this paper to discuss the benefits of using nanomedicine and nanotechnology in the field of nutritional science and the field of medical science.

Keywords nanomedicine, nanotechnology, medicine, nutrition.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 8:41 am