Status of Herbal Drugs in Cardiomyopathy

Abstract Cardiomyopathy refers to group of diseases related to abnormal structure and functioning of the myocardium that triggers heart failure and death. These may be primary myocardial disorders which may have genetic, non genetic or acquired causes or may originate as a secondary consequence to number of conditions like ischemia, inflammation, infections, increased heart load or exposure to certain toxicants. Cardiomyopathies are now being recognized with increasing frequency due to better understanding and clinical recognition of the cases and advances in cardiac Imaging techniques. Apart from the synthetic therapeutic approaches in practice herbal medicines also play great role in cardiomyopathies. The use of herbal medicines in treatment of ailments is employed since human history. Ayurveda is seen as the most traditional and promising form of medicine in India due to inexpensive and easy availability of herbal drugs with minimum side effects. In this article we will study the major herbal drugs that can be utilized as a remedy for cardiomyopathies.

Keywords Crataegus monogyna; Terminalia arjuna; Coleus forskohlii; Salvia miltiorrhiza; Gingko biloba.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 8:41 am