Research Progress of Terpenoids in Anti-aging

Abstract Terpenoids, as an important class of organic compounds, are widely distributed in nature and have many biological activities, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-aging, antibacterial. Aging is an unavoidable natural phenomenon, intervened by factors such as oxidative stress, inflammation, and declining immune function. Anti-aging has been a hot research topic in recent decades, and as a result, more and more compounds have been studied and reported to have anti-aging properties. Among them, terpenoids are unique in many categories of compounds with their unique structures and functions. Therefore, the research progress of terpenoids in anti-aging in recent years is reviewed in this article.

Keywords Terpenoids, Anti-aging, Age-related Diseases, Oxidative stress, Inflammation.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 7:34 am