Production and Preservation Techniques for Orange, Pineapple and Apple Fruit Juice Samples

Abstract Juice were produced from orange, apple, pineapple and a mixture of the three fruit samples.  They were preserved using different methods of preservation for four weeks. The physico-chemical parameters of the juices was investigated. Juice was extracted from the fruit samples and pasteurized for four minutes at 65 °C. The juice concentrate was then divided into seven subsets A, B, C, D, E, F, and G and were then preserved with different techniques of juice preservation for purpose of comparison. The analysis examined some parameters such as conductivity, turbidity, vitamin C, salinity, pH, titratable acidity, total sugar, brix value etc.

It was found out that the vitamin C and some important physico-chemical parameters were higher in orange juice than that of apple and pineapple juice. Conclusively, highest shelf life was obtained from the most effective technique of fruit juice preservation that is the subset G.

Keywords Fruit juice, Preservation, Extraction, Pasteurization, Apple, Orange and Apple.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 7:34 am