Exploring the Medicinal Plants Wealth:  An Assessment of Traditional Medico-Botanical Knowledge of Local Communities in Changa Manga Forest, Pakistan

Abstract Medicinal usage of plants is one of the superior characteristic on which mankind is dependent upon since ages. Plants are being used for the treatment of various diseases of humans and animals. The Changa Manga Forest is designated as National Park located in Kasur, District. It consists of vast biological panorama, constituting many plants of the medicinal values. The purpose of this study was to preserve native traditional knowledge of plant’s usage, promotion of awareness and its significance to the domestic and international entrepreneur, identifying the flora, density and conservation of species. Ethno-medicinal survey was conducted in the periphery of the Changa Manga. The survey identified many plants at study site. Some of them including their medicinal values are Ageratum conyzoid, Anaglis arvensis, Coronopus didymus, Cannabis sativa, Fumairia officianalis, Oxalis corniculata, Sonchus oleraceus, Rumex crispus, Euphorbia heliscopia, Prosopis cineraria, Mentha spicata etc .They are used by the indigenous people for the treatment of ulcers, dysentery, eye problems, burns, malaria, insomnia, hepatitis, cough, cholera, insect stings, gastric problems respectively. Plants like Capparis deciduas Cleome Viscosa, Suaeda Fruticosa, Malvastrum coromendelianum are present in few numbers, but surpassing medicinal values, highlighting the need of conservation. Responsiveness of the botanist is required to focus on the sustainable use, conservation and management strategies are required for valuable medicinal species so that sustainable production, with the balanced ecosystem and development may lead the country to sustainable income and other welfare.

Keywords Ethno-medicinal survey, medicinal herbs, indigenous knowledge, documentation.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 8:53 am