Category: Uncategorized

Immunomodulatory Trace Elements Zinc and Copper Concentrations in Diabetic Individuals within Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State, Nigeria

Abstract Trace elements such as Zinc and Copper modulate immune functions that affect the formation of insulin in the pancreatic beta cells. This study aimed to determine Zinc, Copper, Albumin and Total protein in diabetic individuals within Port Harcourt metropolis, Nigeria.  Plasma Zinc, Copper, Albumin and Total protein concentrations of 28 diabetic individuals aged between […]

Oleochemicals from Water Melon (Citrullus lanatus) Seed Oils

Abstract The use of watermelon seed oil as feedstock for oleochemicals was studied. Oil was extracted from the seeds which was homopolymerized using HClO4 as catalyst. The homopolymer was used to prepare a variety of oleochemicals namely amine, amide, epoxide and copolymerized Phenol-Citrullus-lanatus polymer (CPCLP). Iodine value was determined for the oil, homopolymer (CLH) and […]

Evaluation of Low and High Daily Intakes of Cinnamon against Cadmium-induced Liver and Brain Toxicity in Rats

Abstract Cinnamon is commonly used as a spice and has also been broadly employed in the treatment and prevention of disease. Cadmium is a heavy metal of considerable toxicity with destructive impact on most organ systems and in some cases it can cause deaths annually. The study was designed to evaluate the impact of low and high intake […]

Cancer and Structure

Abstract In this paper we are thinking, in a free way, about possible applications of the Information-Thermodynamics point of view in biology1.  We can consider a principle loss of information (structure) within the process of generation of cells by their duplication (dividing). Within any duplication of a cell (the predecessor) its follower is generated and […]

Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of the Propolis Growing in the Basin of Mediterranean City Misurata, Libya

Abstract Poroplis, a sticky material collected by bees and used in their hives as a general purpose sealer, is well known for its diverse and useful biological activities: antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immuno-stimulating, and many others. The aim of the present research was focused on investigating the preliminary phytochemical screening, antibacterial and antifungal activity of Propolisvia […]

Benzoylbetulin from Roots of Teclea nobilis

Abstract Teclea nobilis is widely distributed in tropical Africa and used as the remedy for gonorrhea, fever and analgesics. The roots of Teclea nobilis were exhaustively extracted using dichloromethane/methanol (1:1) and methanol to give 2.36% and 2.12% yield, respectively. Phytochemical screening analysis conducted on roots extracts of Teclea nobilis revealed the presence of alkaloid, tannins, […]

Phytochemical Content and Antioxidant Activity of Opuntia Ficus-Indicacold-Pressed Seed Oil in Tunisia

Abstract Opuntiaficus indica (OFI) has been used in traditional folk medicine. Many parts of the plant were investigated. However fewer data about seeds are available. In this study, the lipid fraction was extracted from OFI seeds in two different regions of Tunisia, then investigated for their phytochemical content and antioxidant activity in order to evaluate […]