An Overview on Pharmaceutical Drug Recalls

Abstract Every year drug recalls occurs routinely. The product recall is resorted to if there is evidence that the use and the continued presence of a batch of a product on the market presents a risk to the health of the user or a local regulatory authority directs a recall. A company must, therefore, have a system for speedy and efficient removal of unsatisfactory material from the market. There should be a written procedure that must define-who is responsible for deciding to initiate a recall and how the product, including samples, can be traced and removed from the market. Product recall not only effects the company financially but also effects company reputation, brand integrity. Thus, taking responsibility and fast actions are the safest ways to save brand recognition and public health from product recalls. So the regulatory bodies has implemented measures to ensure that the product recalls are handled properly by alerting public and removing the product safely from the market.

Keywords Drug recall, regulatory bodies, recall strategy, quality, safety.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 8:03 am