A Study on Safeguarding Global Food Chains

Abstract This research delves into safeguarding global food chains by scrutinizing critical elements such as food spoilage, food standards, grading, foodgrains, food laws, procurement and trading practices, as well as the roles of hoarding and middlemen in the market. The abstract highlights the multifaceted challenges within the food industry and aims to provide insights for developing robust strategies to ensure the integrity and safety of global food chains. Through a comprehensive analysis of these key keywords, the investigation seeks to identify vulnerabilities, propose effective regulations, and foster sustainable practices for a resilient and secure global food supply system.

Keywords Food Spoilage, Food Standards, Grading, Foodgrains, Food Standards, Food Laws, Procurement and Trading, Hoarding and Middlemen in the market.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 7:41 am