Applications of Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery in Cancer Treatment: A Review

Abstract Anticancer drug resistance virtually always arises and poses major hindrances on the way to curative treatment of numerous human malignancies.

Numerous cancer patients have hopeful response to 1st line chemotherapy but end up with cancer advancement or cancer relapse, which needs additional management. Response to consequent chemotherapy using different agents typically decreases considerably because of challenging resistance against chemotherapy. Numerous mechanisms had been proposed which may be responsible for cancer resistance against chemotherapy or poor response to chemotherapy. Best-studied mechanism of resistance is mediated via modification in drug efflux proteins accountable for elimination of various generally utilised anti-cancer medications. Therapeutic Nano-Particles have developed as an innovative as well as encouraging substitute of traditional small molecule chemotherapies to fight drug resistance against chemotherapy. These have displayed greater therapeutic efficiency as well as less side effects as matched to their small molecule counterparts. This targeted approach offers assurance in paving approach for introduction of extremely effective nanoscopic vehicles for cancer therapies while overcoming resistance.

Keywords Nanoparticles, Drug Delivery, Cancer.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 7:32 am