Synthesis and Physico-chemical Control of an Antiseptic Raw Material Used as Solution for Ophthalmic Washing

Abstract In pharmaceutical industry, Boric Acid is used as an antiseptic active ingredient and it’s marketed in combination with Borax, in form of solution for ophthalmic washing with local antiseptic action and light astringent, indicated mainly in case of eye irritation. We synthesized this active pharmaceutical ingredient in Therapeutic Chemistry laboratory of pharmacy department of Sidi Bel-Abbes and the yield obtained is 59.10 %. The physicochemical quality control of the synthesized Boric Acid is carried out according to the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia 8th edition. It would be very interesting to introduce this work as a practical work of Therapeutic Chemistry module for the third-year pharmacy students and residents of Therapeutic Chemistry in post-graduate.

Keywords Boric Acid, Antiseptic, Active Ingredient, European Pharmacopoeia.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 8:06 am