32-Factorial Design for Sitagliptin Osmotic Tablets: Characterization, Optimization, and Controlled Release Mechanisms

Abstract Sitagliptin, a widely used antidiabetic agent, poses challenges in achieving precise and sustained drug release due to its biopharmaceutical properties. In response to these challenges, this study focused on the design and development of an osmotic drug delivery system for Sitagliptin. The research employed a combination of formulation techniques, including drug-polymer compatibility studies and a 32-factorial design, to optimize the controlled release profile. The osmotic system was characterized for its in vitro drug release. Furthermore, this research demonstrates the potential of osmotic drug delivery systems as a versatile platform for enhancing the performance of challenging drugs like Sitagliptin. The findings underscore the importance of controlled drug release in managing chronic conditions and pave the way for further investigations in this field.

Keywords Sitagliptin,  DPP-4 inhibitor, Characterization, Osmotic drug delivery.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 7:13 am