Lipstick Cosmetic Product: A Review

Abstract Lipstick is a cosmetic product containing natural ingredients such as pigments, waxes, oils and emollients were used to formulate lipstick. Both organic and Inorganic pigments are employed. Lipsticks are one of the key cosmetics to be used by the women.Lipstick is commonly regarded, for good or ill, as the typical, perhaps even the proto-typical decorative Cosmetic. Since the days of Nefertiti, modification or accentuation of lip colour has been known to play a Prominent part in the achievement of cosmetic effect. Enabling the user to adjust lip outline and modify External perception and visual impact of mouth form and texture, lipstick has become an almost universal Constituent of ladies’ handbags. Moist lips, dry lips, shiny lips, smooth lips, all are simple matters of cosmetic Application. Put on skillfully, lipstick can substantially alter the apparent facial characteristics of the user.

Keywords: Manufacturing of lipstick, Formulation, Composition, Evaluation.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 7:30 am