Comparative Study of the Nutritional and Anti Nutritional Composition of Phyllantus niruri and Carica papaya

Abstract The leaves of Phyllanthus niruri and Carica papaya were dried and ground for antimicrobial and physiological properties. The data generated were subjected to basic statistical analysis with both samples having low levels of oxalate (1.05 mg/100g) for Phyllanthus niruri and (1.06mg/100g) for Carica papaya, but high in phytate, glycoside, and steroids. The proximate analysis revealed that the moisture content was (9.2±0.01 and 7.54±0.01) and the percentage ash content was (2.50±0.15 and 2.56±0.0015) respectively, which indicates that the mineral composition of both samples were high. The crude fat and protein of the Carica papaya doubled that of the Phyllanthus niruri. The crude fibre content of Phyllanthus niruri was (10.25±0.25) and Carica papaya was (10.03±0.01), the carbohydrate content were (72.08±0.01) and (69.79±0.01) respectively. Tannin levels were low in both (0.62±0.05, 1.05±0.06) but Saponin levels were (1.52±0.06, 1.48±0.05) which are marginally higher in Phyllanthus niruri and Carica papaya respectively. The moisture content (9.20±0.01, 7.54±0.01) were quite comparable and the ash content was within reasonable limits, which makes them suitable for animal feeds. Both samples have low crude protein levels, but high fiber content. The calcium content of Carica papaya (85.20±0.02g/100g) is higher than that of Phyllanthus niruri (26.53±2.85g/100g). The Pb, Cu and P were of the least abundant in both samples while K was found to be the most abundant. The leaves of Phyllanthus niruri and Carica papaya are rich in important nutrients, according to the findings. It comprises a number of important phytochemicals and the anti-nutrient levels are low in both leaves.

Keywords Antimicrobial, Anti-nutrient, Natural product, Physiological Properties, Phytochemicals.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 7:43 am