Analysis of Prescriptions for Various Effects of Polypharmacy

Abstract Polypharmacy defined as the use of multi medication at the same time and also use the medication in excess than clinically needed. Even if there is a benefit of polypharmacy in the treatment of chronic diseases most time its disadvantage overweight. Polypharmacy is known as inappropriate use of medication that is overprescribing in a response of complex comorbidity leading to undesirable outcomes which need necessitate effective study, monitoring, and evaluation medicine use. Aim of the review to Analysis of prescriptions for various effects of polypharmacy different setting. Methods: A literature search has been performed using PubMed (August 2013- August 2018) and used the term polypharmacy effects. The search was limited to English-language articles. Bibliographies of published reviews were also screened for potentially relevant studies. The inclusion criteria for articles to be included in this review were the effect of polypharmacy and related articles. The full text was reviewed and excluded those that again did not correspond to the type of the study eligible for our review, inclusion and exclusion criteria. Result: DDI and ADE are the most common effect of polypharmacy and also Non adherence to medication, Economical burden to higher mortality, increase hospitalizations rates common effects. From observed polypharmacy in about 94% contain DDI and minimum one to 25 potential drug-drug interaction in single prescription. Most of prescription (n=205) had 5-7 harmful drug-drug interaction. About 98% patient had at least 1 day exposed to 5 district genetic drugs and 68.2% of patients had at least 1 day exposed to greater or equal to 10 distinct genetic drugs. Among PDDI identified 0.8% was CI and 51.1% were major PDDI. Total of 20.3% of the older primary care attenders experienced polypharmacy and variation in rate of polypharmacy was mainly found at prescriber level and given the possible adverse outcomes. Conclusions: This review project shows that various effect of polypharmacy on patient and DDI and ADE were main problem identified in various studies. Occurrence of DDI and ADE directly and indirectly Couse increase hospitalization, economic burden. Although not all drug interactions are clinically significant. It is impossible to remember all the known important drug interactions. All age group affected by polypharmacy however elder were most affect due to comorbidity. The review show that Poly pharmacy was observed in different setting but it frequently occurs in hospitalized patients.

Keywords Analysis, Prescriptions, Polypharmacy.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 8:09 am