Information Seeking Behaviour of Students of Udaipur

Abstract Information seeking is a fundamental activity. It refers to the way individuals search for and make use of information to fulfil their information needs. In the course of seeking, the individual may interact with manual information systems or computer (web)- based or technological systems. The methods of information seeking differ from one person to another. It is affected by the personal, emotional, educational, and demographic variables of the person seeking information. Hence, due to the variation in information needs and seeking ways among different target groups of people and due to the “information explosion” in the present information era, it is important to know the information needs and information-seeking behavior of different targets of people to provide them need-based information effectively, Students also need information for various purposes, like preparation for exams, career counseling, employment, research work, etc., and they also differ in information-seeking behaviour due to their different attributes and needs. As they are the most important part of any educational institution, it is the big responsibility of any educational institution to provide the right information at the right time to their students through a proper information system. An effective information service largely depends on understanding of the information needs and information seeking behavior of students. Therefore, the present study was an attempt to explore the “information-seeking behavior of postgraduate students of, Udaipur”.

Keywords Information seeking, behavior.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 8:52 am