Abstract The chemical constituents of Cnicus benedictus showed that it contained sesquiterpene lactone glycosides, cnicin, polyacetylen, absinthin, salonitenolide and artemisiifolin. Triterpenoids such as a-amyrenone, a-amyrin acetate, a-amyrine, and multiflorenol acetate. Lignans such as trachelogenin, nortracheloside and arctigenin. Flavonoids, including apigenin-7-O-glucoside, luteolin and astragalin. Tannins contents reached (8%). essential and volatile oils (0.3%) including n-nonane, n-undecane, n- tridecane, dodeca-l,ll-dien-3,5,7,9-tetrain (polyyne), p-cymene, fenchon, citral, cinnamaldehyde, were also isolated from the plant. It was also contained many nutritional components, minirals and trace elemints. The previous pharmacological studies showed that Cnicus benedictus possessed antimicrobial, cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, enhancing digestion and increasing bile secretion. This review was designed to highlight the chemical constituents, pharmacological and toxicological effects of Cnicus benedictus.
Keywords constituents, pharmacology, toxicology, Cnicus benedictus.