Abstract Crude oil simulated soil was treated with 300g, 450g and 600g concentrations variation of maize husk compost (MHC). The effects of maize husk compost (MHC) treatment on physicochemical properties of crude oil contaminated soil, total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) %, biostimulation efficiency (B. E) % were studied. The results indicated that the composting process greatly enhanced the overall rate of total petroleum hydrocarbons mineralization. The greatest reduction of TPH and increase in B. E (%) were obtained in the first compost with 600g of maize husk compost amended soils (82.04% and 88.93%), followed by the 450g of maize husk compost amended soils where TPH (%) reduction and B. E (%) increase were still high (67.52% and 86.55%) respectively. In the compost with 300g of maize husk amended soils, the TPH concentrations decreased and increased in B. E (%) by only (56.96% and 84.06%) respectively. The sequence of TPH reduction (%) and increase in B. E (%) of maize husk compost amended soils followed the same soil physicochemical properties improvement sequence of maize husk compost amended soils. In addition, mineralization time increased with increase in maize husk compost concentration. The composting process played a significant role in the biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons and can effectively lead to maximum utilization of maize husk agricultural waste produced by farmers as compost.
Keywords simulated soil, maize husk compost, total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH), biostimulation efficiency (B. E).