Synthesis and Characterization of Some Metal (II) Complexes of Sulfadoxine

Abstract The studies and manipulations of the coordination chemistry of bioactive organic ligands has been a promising means of pharmaceutical innovations. In this study, metal (II) complexes of sulfadoxine (SDX) were synthesized and characterized by physicochemical, IR and electronic spectroscopies. The complexes were formulated as [M(SDX)2(H2O)2­] (M = Cd(II)/Cu(II)/Zn(II)), [M(SDX)2Cl2­] (M = Ni(II)/Co(II)/Mn(II)). They were insoluble in water, which is an indication of covalent and non-electrolytic character. Their spectroscopic data indicated that sulfadoxine ligand acted as a bidentate chelating agent showing a coordination either via the prymidine nitrogen and the nitrogen of the SO2NH moiety as in the case for Cu(II),  or via the prymidine nitrogen and the amino nitrogen of the terminal NH2 group as in the case for Ni(II), Cd(II), and Co(II). The complexes formed are inferred to assume a six coordinate octahedral geometry while Zn(II) and Mn(II) complexes exhibit tetrahedral geometry. The successful synthesis and characterization of these complexes therefore presents a new bioactive substance with virgin pharmaceutical potentials.

Keywords Sulfadoxine, synthesis, Metal(II) complexes, complexes geometry.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 9:52 am