Proximate and mineral content analysis of inflorescence of Parkia biglobosa (Jacq): A potential multipurpose tree species

Abstract Freshly harvested Parkia biglobosa inflorescence was processed and screened for their nutritional values including moisture content, crude fiber, crude protein, ash, fat and carbohydrate. The inflorescence of the species contained moisture content to be (16.76±0.45), crude fibre (7.09±0.53), crude protein (3.69±0.28), ash (8.96±0.58), fat (2.25±0.29) and carbohydrate (61.24±1.35). High percentage of the inflorescence is indicated as a good source of energy. The mineral content of the inflorescence were also assessed with a view of establishing and understanding their mineral active contents. Mineral constituents including N, Ca, Mg, K, P Cu, Na, Mn, Fe and Zn were found with values; N (0.59±0.06), Ca (0.90±0.12), Mg (0.55±0.78), K (0.30±0.17), P (0.59±0.71), Cu (0.61±0.01),   Na (20.79±0.80), Mn (10.58±0.99), Fe (40.75±2.12) and Zn (5.68±0.59). The significance of Parkia biglobosa inflorescence in traditional medicine and importance of the nutritional values in the pharmaceutical industries were discussed.

Keywords Nutritional values, inflorescence, minerals, medicine, concentrations, pharmaceutical.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 10:09 am