Assessment of the Phytochemical constituents and in-vitro antibacterial activity of Vernonia amygdalina extracts on someclinical isolates

Abstract Antimicrobial resistance is on the rise and efforts are consequently being strengthened towards the search and improvement of sturdier antimicrobial agents with expectant safety and efficacy. This study was conducted to determine the phytochemical analysis and antibacterial activity of Vernonia amygdalina (bitter leaf) extracts obtained from a market in Sokoto state Nigeria on some clinical isolates. The efficiency of cold water, hot water and ethanol extracts on Salmonella Sp and Escherichia coli were evaluated by disc diffusion technique. Ethanolic extracts of V. amygdalina had higher inhibitory zones on the. Analysis of the phytonutrients revealed the presence of bioactive constituents. The tested bacterial isolates were susceptible to extract all extracts of the plant. This work confirmed that the leaves of Vernonia amygdalina contain bioactive compounds and its antimicrobial activity supports the traditional use of the extractant in diseases management.

Keywords Sokoto, Vernonia amygdalina, Antibacterial activity, Phytochemical analysis.

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Updated: January 20, 2024 — 9:19 am